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News / Crypto / Tether co-founder Brock Pierce Faces Legal Troubles and Financial Strain Amid Failed Crypto Ambitions in Puerto Rico

Tether co-founder Brock Pierce Faces Legal Troubles and Financial Strain Amid Failed Crypto Ambitions in Puerto Rico

Published: 13.08.2024 11:35 GMT+01
According to a recent New York Times report, Tether co-founder Brock Pierce is entangled in legal battles with former business partners. Court documents reveal that Pierce's ambitious plans to transform Puerto Rico into a cryptocurrency hub have faltered. The entrepreneur, once a billionaire, is reportedly facing financial difficulties after being deserted by his associates. Additionally, local residents are displeased with Pierce’s attempts to use the island for personal gain.

Pierce, who gained wealth as an early investor in several crypto ventures, moved to Puerto Rico to benefit from the Act 60 tax incentives, which attracted many in the crypto community. However, his current legal issues stem from various projects, including his purchase of the W Hotel on Vieques, a small island off Puerto Rico's eastern coast. The hotel, once the island's main attraction, was closed after being severely damaged by Hurricane Maria, a Category 5 storm.

Pierce’s efforts to revive the hotel have faced significant challenges, including legal disputes and unpaid bills. Among the disputes, logistics tycoon Mr. Lipsey, who lent Pierce $4 million for the hotel’s purchase, took control of the property, accusing Pierce of breaching their agreement by misusing the funds for an extravagant party. Lipsey further accused Pierce of an attempted kidnapping at another hotel, a claim Pierce has denied. The two parties are currently negotiating a potential settlement.

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