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Terms and Conditions

calendar-iconNorbull: Noirbull Research Team
data-iconPublished: 23.07.2023

Part I.

General Terms and Conditions

NoirBull created these Terms and Conditions to regulate your access to and use of its website, located at https://www.noirbull.com/ (the 'Website'). By accessing the Website, you agree to comply with and be bound by these Terms and Conditions and any other terms that may be included or referenced herein.

We value your feedback, so please feel free to contact us at support@noirbull.com with any comments or suggestions regarding our services.

For media, PR, content, or marketing-related inquiries, please contact us at promotion@noirbull.com. If you would like to have your review featured on our site or discuss other business partnership opportunities, please visit our "For Businesses" page or contact us at partnership@noirbull.com.

It is essential to carefully read all of these Terms and Conditions, as well as any other terms referred to herein, as they contain significant information and legal facts that govern our relationship with you. The Effective Date of these Terms and Conditions is November 10, 2023.

Acknowledgment and agreement to the Terms and Conditions

To use our Website, you acknowledge that you have read, comprehended, and accepted these Terms and Conditions, as well as any other applicable terms that may be included and/or referred to herein and/or on the Website. you agree to comply with all of these terms, and if you do not agree with any of them, you must refrain from using our Website.

We suggest that you print a copy of these Terms and Conditions and any other applicable terms for future reference. It is your responsibility to ensure that anyone who accesses our Website through your internet connection is aware of these Terms and Conditions and any other applicable terms and adheres to them.

Acknowledging and agreeing to the Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions also include the following supplementary terms that apply to your use of our Website:

  • Our Privacy Policy outlines how we use any personal information you provide through our Website.
  • Our Cookie Policy provides information about the cookies on our Website.
  • Our Policy Outlining Acceptable Behavior and Actions outlines the permitted and prohibited uses of our Website. When using our Website, you must adhere to this Policy Outlining Acceptable Behavior and Actions.
Please keep in mind that any additional terms referenced or mentioned within these Terms and Conditions or on our Website are considered to be incorporated and form an essential part of these Terms and Conditions.

Amendments to these Terms and Conditions

NoirBull reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions and any other applicable terms included and/or referred to on this Website at any time. In the event of any significant changes, we will post the updated terms here, including the effective date. These changes will take effect as soon as they are posted on the Website.

It is your responsibility to review these documents every time you use our Website to ensure that you are aware of the current terms and conditions. If any of the changes are unacceptable to you, kindly discontinue using this Website.

Amendments to this Website

We reserve the right to update and modify our Website without prior notice or explanation, at our sole discretion, to reflect changes in our products, the needs of our users, and our business priorities. We will make reasonable efforts to provide notice of any material changes or corrections to the content on our Website.

you acknowledge and agree that we do not guarantee the uninterrupted availability of our Website or its content, data, material, or information. NoirBull will not be held liable for any inaccessibility or unavailability of its Website or services. you further acknowledge and agree that we may suspend, withdraw, or restrict access to all or part of our site for operational or business reasons, and we will make commercially reasonable efforts to provide notice of such actions.

Assignment of this agreement to a Third Party

These Terms and Conditions may be transferred by NoirBull to another organization. We will notify you in writing if such transfer takes place and will make our best efforts to ensure that your rights under the agreement remain unaffected. However, you are not allowed to transfer or delegate any of your rights or responsibilities under these Terms and Conditions.

A grant of permission to utilize the content of the Website

We either own or are licensed to use all intellectual property rights in our Website, including any and all data, information, materials, and content available on it, any database operated by us, any proprietary software, and the underlying source code, and any software algorithm utilized by us to enable you to use this Website. you acknowledge that all such data, information, materials, and content are protected by copyright, trademark, and other proprietary laws and treaties around the world, and that all such rights are reserved.

We grant you a limited, personal, non-transferable license to access, display, download, format, and print portions of the Website content solely for your own personal, non-commercial use. This license is conditional on your continued compliance with these Terms and Conditions and any other applicable terms.

you are not permitted to reproduce, publish, translate, merge, sell, rent, distribute, or create derivative works of any data, information, materials, and/or content from the Website, either on another website or as part of any educational, training, or reference materials. you are also not allowed to frame or utilize framing techniques to enclose any data, information, material, and/or content on the Website.

you must not modify any data, information, materials, and/or content you have printed off or downloaded from the Website, nor use any illustrations, photographs, videos, audio sequences, or graphics separately from any accompanying text. you must not use any part of the data, information, materials, and/or content on our Website for commercial purposes without obtaining a license to do so from us or our licensors.

If you print off, copy, download, share, or repost any part of our Website in breach of these Terms and Conditions and any other applicable terms, your right to use our Website will immediately cease, and you must, at our option, return or destroy any copies of the materials you have made.

Prohibition on text and data mining, web scraping, and similar techniques

you are strictly prohibited from engaging in, enabling, authorizing, or permitting any text or data mining or web scraping activities related to our Website or any services offered through it. This includes, but is not limited to, using any automated device, program, tool, algorithm, code, process, or methodology such as a "robot," "bot," "spider," or "scraper" to access, obtain, copy, monitor, or republish any part of the site or any data, content, material, information, or services available through it. It also encompasses any automated analytical technique intended to analyze text and data in digital form and generate information, including patterns, trends, and correlations.

We explicitly reserve the right to enforce this provision, including for the purposes of complying with Article 4(3) of the Digital Copyright Directive ((EU) 2019/790). However, this clause will not apply to the extent that we are unable to prohibit or limit text or data mining or web scraping activities under Estonian law.

Disclaimer of advice and reliance

NoirBull and its affiliates provide data, material, content, and information on their website and other communication channels solely for information purposes. They do not recommend or solicit any actions based on this information or offer, solicit, or recommend investing in/trading specific financial instruments, commodities, assets, or refraining from any course of action.

The data, material, content, and/or information made available by NoirBull or any of its affiliates are provided to you with the understanding that they do not constitute any investment or other advice. you are responsible for determining the economic risks and merits, as well as the legal, tax, and accounting consequences of any course of action, investment strategy, or trade by seeking your own independent professional advice. Neither NoirBull nor any of its affiliates offers any tax, accounting, or legal advice. Therefore, if you need advice concerning such matters, it is recommended that you consult your respective tax, accounting, or legal advisors.

It is your responsibility to ensure that your intended use of any data, material, content, information, and/or services is legally and technically feasible in the regions where you intend to use them, and you must seek independent professional advice to do so.

NoirBull and its affiliates obtain the data, material, content, and information from both proprietary and non-proprietary sources that are considered dependable. However, you explicitly agree and acknowledge that although we make reasonable efforts to update the data, material, content, and information, we do not guarantee that they are comprehensive, accurate, or up-to-date, and we do not provide any express or implied warranties or guarantees. Additionally, the analysis and information in any material or content are based on professional judgment and may differ from the conclusions or analysis provided by other qualified professionals who perform similar analyses.

User-Created content posted on the Website

The Website may contain content and information from other users, such as bulletin boards, comments, and chat rooms. It is important to note that NoirBull has not verified or approved this content. Additionally, the opinions expressed by other users do not necessarily reflect those of NoirBull. If you have an issue with any user-uploaded content, please contact us via email: support@noirbull.com

Restriction on liability

Our Website is intended only for personal and non-commercial use. you agree not to use our Website for any business or commercial purposes. We are not responsible for any loss or damage that may arise from your use or inability to use our Website or your reliance on any information, materials, or content displayed on our Website, whether resulting from contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or any other legal theory, even if such loss or damage was foreseeable.

Our liability is excluded for loss of profits, sales, revenue, business interruption, anticipated savings, business opportunities, or any other indirect or consequential loss or damage.

We shall not be held accountable to you for any loss or harm, whether resulting from a breach of contract, negligence, infringement of statutory obligation, or otherwise, that arises out of or in connection with:

  • your use of or inability to use our website.
  • your reliance on any content displayed on our website.

We particularly disclaim any responsibility for:

  • Any loss of profits, sales, business, or revenue.
  • Any business interruption.
  • Any loss of anticipated savings.
  • Any loss of business opportunity, goodwill, or reputation.
  • Any indirect or consequential loss or damage.

It is important to understand that we cannot limit or exclude our liability to you if it is against the law to do so. This includes situations such as death or personal injury caused by our own negligence, the negligence of our employees, agents, or subcontractors, and instances of fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.


As a business user, you agree to protect, indemnify, and hold us, our affiliated companies, shareholders, officers, directors, employees, agents, or suppliers harmless from any claims or demands made by any third party due to or arising from your use of this website or your login details, your violation of these Terms of Use, or your infringement of any intellectual property or other rights of any person or entity.

Content upload to our Website

If you use any of our Website's features to upload data, information, material, and/or content or communicate with other users, you must adhere to the content standards outlined in our Policy Outlining Acceptable Behavior and Actions.

By contributing any data, information, material, or content on our Website, you guarantee that it complies with the content standards outlined in our Policy Outlining Acceptable Behavior and Actions. In the event of any violation of this warranty, you will be held liable and required to indemnify NoirBull for any resulting loss or damage suffered by us.

Any data, information, material, and/or content that you upload to our Website will not be considered confidential or proprietary. While you retain ownership of your data, information, material, and/or content, you must grant NoirBull and other users of our site a limited license to use, store, and copy that data, information, material, and/or content. This license also allows for the distribution and availability of your data, information, material, and/or content to third parties.

you agree that we have the right to disclose your identity to any third party who claims that any data, information, material, and/or content posted or uploaded by you to our Website infringes their intellectual property rights or their right to privacy.

you expressly acknowledge and agree that we have the right to remove any such posting you make on our Website if, in our opinion, such posts do not comply with the content standards set out in our Policy Outlining Acceptable Behavior and Actions.

you agree and understand that we reserve the right to remove any posting you make on our Website if we believe that such posts violate the content standards outlined in our Policy Outlining Acceptable Behavior and Actions.

Our Website does not store any illegal or prohibited content.

Granting permission to use the content you upload

By uploading or posting any data, information, material and/or content to our Website, you are granting us the rights to use such material as described below:

you give us a license to use, reproduce, distribute, create derivative works, display, and perform any user-generated content you upload or post on our Website. This license is valid worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, and transferable. We may use this content to provide the services of the Website and promote the site or service across different media. The license will expire when you delete such content from the Website.

you also grant other users, partners, and/or advertisers a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, and transferable license to use the data, information, material, and/or content you upload or post on the Website in accordance with the Website's functionality, which will also expire upon the deletion of such data, information, material, and/or content from the Website.

Prevention of viruses, bugs, and misuse of the Website

you explicitly recognize and accept that we cannot ensure the security and absence of bugs or viruses on our Website.

It is your responsibility to configure your computer programs, information technology, and platform to access our Website, and to use your own virus protection software. you acknowledge and agree to this.

It is strictly prohibited to intentionally introduce malicious or harmful material, such as viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs, or attempt to gain unauthorized access to our Website or any related servers, computers, or databases. Any attempt to attack our Website through a denial-of-service or distributed denial-of-service attack is strictly prohibited. Such actions are considered criminal offenses and we will report them to the appropriate law enforcement authorities. If you breach this provision, your right to use our Website will immediately cease.

If our Website has links to other websites or resources provided by third parties such as partners and financial service providers, it's only for your information. Please understand that these links don't mean that NoirBull approves of those websites or the information you get from them. Also, note that we have no control over the contents of those sites or resources, and our responsibility ends when you click on the links to those third-party sites.

It is acknowledged and agreed that any content, such as testimonials, advice, product or service offers, or other data, material, and information made available on or through our Website by third parties, including our partners and financial service providers, are solely the responsibility of their respective providers. NoirBull does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, reliability or usefulness of any such Third Party Content. you understand that it is your responsibility to evaluate such Third Party Content and NoirBull is not liable for any damage or loss resulting from your reliance on or use of Third Party Content.

Applicable law and procedures for resolving disputes

These Terms and Conditions, including their subject matter, formation, validity, and enforceability, are governed by the laws of Estonia. Both you and NoirBull agree that any dispute arising between you and NoirBull regarding these Terms and Conditions and their subject matter, formation, validity, and/or enforceability shall be exclusively settled by the ordinary courts of the Estonian Republic.

Free of charge services

At NoirBull, we value clarity and transparency. Therefore, we want to inform you about our partnerships. We believe that you have the right to choose the best brokers and financial service providers based on your preferences. To ensure this, our opinions and recommendations are independent, unbiased, and based on facts.

Our Website is completely free of charge for all users and we do not impose any fees for its usage.

Please be aware that we may receive compensation from our partners in the form of commission when you either click through to their website or purchase services from them. It is important to note that our partners are listed in the Advertiser Police section of our website.


The headings used in these Terms and Conditions are for convenience only and do not affect their interpretation.

Our failure to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms and Conditions shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.

We shall not be liable for any breach of these Terms and Conditions caused by events beyond our reasonable control.

These Terms and Conditions do not create a partnership, joint venture, or agency relationship between you and NoirBull. you and NoirBull cannot incur liabilities, debts, or costs, or enter into contracts or arrangements on behalf of the other.

If any part of these Terms and Conditions is found to be unlawful, the remaining provisions will remain in effect.

Part II.

What 'Policy Outlining Acceptable Behavior and Actions' is?

This set of policies outlines the standards of behavior that users must adhere to when using our Website, including uploading content, interacting with other users, and linking to our Website. Users may link to our homepage, as long as it is done in a fair and legal manner that does not harm our reputation. We reserve the right to revoke permission to link at any time if we deem it necessary.

Prohibited uses

Please refrain from engaging in any activity that violates any local, national, or international laws or regulations, or has an unlawful or fraudulent purpose or effect.

Please avoid any activity that is unfair, damages NoirBull's reputation, or takes advantage of it.

Do not attempt to copy our data for the purpose of reverse engineering our processes or proprietary methodologies.

Do not use our website to harm minors, bully, insult, intimidate, or humiliate anyone.

Please comply with our content standards (specified below) when uploading, downloading, using, or reusing any material.

Do not transmit or solicit unsolicited advertising or promotional material or any other similar form of solicitation (spam).

Do not knowingly transmit any data or upload any material that contains harmful computer code such as viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, keystroke loggers, spyware, adware, or any other harmful programs that adversely affect computer software or hardware.

Please refrain from reproducing, duplicating, copying, or reselling any portion of our Website in violation of our General Terms and Conditions. To refrain from unauthorized access, interference with, damage to, or disruption of:

  • Any portion of our Website.
  • Any equipment or network used to store our Website.
  • Any software used to provide our Website, or any equipment, network, or software owned or used by any third party.

Finally, refrain from uploading any terrorist content to our website.

Interactive services

On our Website, we may offer interactive services such as chat rooms, bulletin boards, and commenting, among others. If we provide any interactive service, we will give you clear information about the type of service, whether it is moderated, and what form of moderation is used, including whether it is technical or human. We will make our best effort to assess any potential risks from third parties when using interactive services and determine if moderation is necessary based on the risks, especially for children. However, we are not obliged to monitor or moderate any interactive service we provide, and we exclude liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of any interactive service by a user who violates our content standards, whether or not the service is moderated.

If a minor uses any of our interactive services, the consent of their parent or guardian is required. Parents who allow their children to use an interactive service should communicate with them about online safety since moderation is not foolproof. Minors using any interactive service should be aware of the potential risks. If we moderate an interactive service, we will generally provide a means of contacting the moderator if there are any concerns or difficulties. We do not store terrorist content.

Content standards

These standards for content are applicable to all material that you submit to our Website (referred to as "Contribution"), and to any interactive services connected with it. The content standards must be followed not only literally but also in their essence. They are relevant to every portion of the Contribution as well as the Contribution as a whole. NoirBull has the authority to determine whether a Contribution breaches these content standards at its discretion.

Contribution rules Ensure that any facts stated in your Contribution are accurate and any opinions expressed are genuinely held. Additionally, please ensure that your Contribution complies with the applicable laws in Estonia and any country from which it is posted.

your Contribution must not be defamatory towards any individual, nor should it contain any obscene, offensive, hateful, or inflammatory material. Furthermore, you must not use your Contribution to bully, insult, intimidate, or humiliate others, nor should it promote sexually explicit or child abuse material, violence, or discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age.

your Contribution must not infringe on any copyright, database right, or trademark of any other individual or be damaging to NoirBull's reputation in any way.

your Contribution should not deceive any person, breach any legal duty owed to a third party, promote illegal content or activities, or be in contempt of court.

Additionally, your Contribution must not threaten, abuse, invade another person's privacy, or cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety.

you should not impersonate any person or misrepresent your identity or affiliation with any person, nor should you give the impression that your Contribution emanates from NoirBull if this is not the case.

Do not include any statement that you are aware, believe, or have reasonable grounds to believe, that could be understood by the public as a direct or indirect encouragement or inducement to commit, prepare, or instigate acts of terrorism.

Include any marketing material or endorse any services or hyperlinks to external websites.

Finally, you should not use your Contribution to advocate, promote, incite any party to commit, or assist any unlawful or criminal act, such as copyright infringement or computer misuse.

Breach of 'Policy Outlining Acceptable Behavior and Actions'

If we determine that there has been a violation of this acceptable use policy, we may take appropriate measures as we see fit. Failure to adhere to this policy is a significant breach of the terms and conditions that allow you to access and use our Website, and this may lead to any or all of the following outcomes:

  • The revocation of your access to our Website, either immediately, temporarily or permanently.
  • The removal of any contribution you have made to our Website, either immediately, temporarily or permanently.

Issue of a warning to you

you may be held liable for all costs incurred as a result of the breach, including but not limited to reasonable administrative and legal costs, and legal action may be taken against you to recover these costs on an indemnity basis.

To comply with legal obligations, we may share relevant information with law enforcement authorities. We are not responsible for any consequences resulting from a breach of this acceptable use policy. Our response to such a breach may involve actions beyond those specifically mentioned, as we reserve the right to take any appropriate measures we see fit.