News / Crypto / Solana (SOL) at Risk of 17% Drop as Head and Shoulders Pattern Signals Potential Fall to $122
Solana (SOL) at Risk of 17% Drop as Head and Shoulders Pattern Signals Potential Fall to $122
Published: 13.08.2024 11:31 GMT+01
Solana (SOL) might experience a 17% drop as a head and shoulders pattern suggests a potential decline to $122. Prominent crypto analyst Ali Martinez recently pointed out a concerning trend in Solana's price chart, currently the fourth-largest altcoin. Martinez noted that the hourly chart reveals the formation of a head and shoulders pattern, which could indicate a price correction down to $122—a decrease of 17% from its present value.
A head and shoulders pattern is a chart formation resembling two smaller peaks flanking a larger central peak. When the price falls below the "neckline," or the line connecting the lower points of the shoulders, it often signals a downward trend. This pattern serves as an early warning for traders.
If Martinez's prediction holds true, Solana could be at a critical juncture. The potential decline in SOL’s price could have a substantial effect on the broader Solana ecosystem, which includes several other cryptocurrencies with market capitalizations in the billions, as well as numerous smaller assets.
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