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News / Crypto / Bitcoin Touched $60,000 but Bears Regain Control

Bitcoin Touched $60,000 but Bears Regain Control

Published: 13.08.2024 11:39 GMT+01
Yesterday, Bitcoin briefly surpassed the $60,000 mark but soon fell back below it as bears took charge. The cryptocurrency's price saw a significant rise, reaching close to $63,000 by Friday after a volatile start to the week. However, it struggled to maintain this momentum and gradually declined.

The weekend saw Bitcoin stabilizing around $61,000, but with the arrival of Monday, it faced renewed downward pressure, dropping to just under $58,000. Although a dramatic crash like the one experienced the previous Monday was avoided, Bitcoin struggled to hold its gains, fluctuating around $60,000 before settling near $59,000.

Meanwhile, altcoins have been relatively sluggish, with most, except Ethereum (ETH) and Binance Coin (BNB), showing losses. Bitcoin’s market capitalization has edged up slightly to just under $1.17 trillion, and its dominance in the crypto market stands at 53.6%.

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